Friday, July 27, 2007

Just when I think things canNOT get any worse...

Pootie falls into the tub and TOTALLY redeems himself!!

I brought two tabby kittens home from the Humane Society and named them Pootie and Ragamuffin.

And after all these days of chasing them around with a squirt bottle, yelling at them to get OUT of my mattress, trying to stop them from scratching the carpet, beating them for breaking my dishes, almost killing Pootie for taking a big ol' chomp out of my new leopard print heels, scrubbing their stupid little paws with a towel after their adventure in the fireplace and then all over my white carpet, taking all my clothes that used to be in my closet off the hangers and strew them about the house, Pootie falls into the tub and made it all worth while.

I swear to god I just heard the biggest crash. OK, they just knocked over a vase full of flowers. I'm ok. Not going to get angry. I just approached the situation like any other crazy cat lady, spray bottle in hand and went to town. They were fake flowers anyway.

They say that sick people should get a furry little animal to raise their spirits. Mine are just raising my insanity level.