It totally looks like they Photoshopped his face onto some fat dude's body! Look how little his head is!
I'm not as current on my celebrity gossip as I would like to be and I'm afraid I have no idea what is going on in Britney and K-Fed's lives right now. I'm assuming there is no train wrecks going on with that situation because nothing about it has shown up on perezhilton.com or any of my other "guilty pleasure" websites. (Or my "deepest shame" websites... you decide.) But how the hell did K-Fed get so humongously FAT??
I never understood how really fat people get really fat. (The ones that aren't born that way or have a thyroid problem.) Take Kevin Federline, for example. He was once a thin, fit, dancing mooch of a man. And, like, once he gained, say, 20 lbs of fat wouldn't you think he'd start to get worried? How about the next 50lbs? When do you get to that point where you say to yourself, "Um, dude, I'm getting a little chunky... maybe I should lay off the pork rinds..." Just sayin'.