Saturday, February 23, 2008

Fucking drama queens...

You know, I just LOOOOOOOOOVE drama. About as much as I would love a festering STD.

I also love people that are eternal victims. That turn around every situation, whether theirs or not, and say "poor me, poor me," and expect everyone to feel sorry for them. Did I mention that these 'situations' have absolutely nothing to do with these queens?

I also totally enjoy crazy people. I don't mean genuinely crazy people because, come on, who doesn't appreciate a bona fide nut job who is sincerely batshit bonkers, right? I mean crazy like, live in a total twisted reality and then try to drag every single sane passerby into their padded white room of paranoia and eighth grade little girl logic.

I have a particular fondness for people that consider themselves to be so overly important and that are utterly convinced that what they do is so monumental and consequential that no mere mortal could ever possibly understand the significance of their creative genius and how this creativity is such a colossal weight on their shoulders that they couldn't under any circumstances ever be happy about it. (On a side note: Dude, you just play a fucking instrument and write a catchy little ditty once every 6 years or so. Quit being so fucking DRAMATIC!!!)

My most favorite, however, is the "martyr". You know the one that believes that everyone is out to get him. That every single person is planning some diabolical plan, scheming against and undermining the poor innocent musician and taking advantage of his inability to say "NO". That every evil villain out there is wringing their fiendish little hands and laughing psychotically as their devilishly elaborate malicious 'plan' comes to fruition.

Yep, I love Crazy. I also love make-believe. But when Crazy can't tell the difference between reality and the insanity going on in his own retarded head, that's when things start to get a bit too dramatic for me.

And as for Crazy, believe what you want, because I know that you love to be the victim. Blame all the evil nasties that you surround yourself with for bringing you down and "going behind your naive little back" and taking away your ability to be happy. You are crumbling. Falling apart. And people are starting to see you for what you really are. Poor you.


Disclaimer: All situations in which musicians are referenced are completely hypothetical, of course.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Life is a suckfest and I don’t even care!

I've learned so much in the past year, maybe the past 2 years of my life. I've learned how mean people can be. How much you can't rely on them, even if they are friends, even family. I've learned that I trust people way too easy. I've learned that I trust boys way too easy.

I've given my heart away way too fast too many times. I've given my money and my hospitality with no questions asked. I've lost friends and been betrayed and abandoned. I've been hurt, let down and disappointed more times than I can even count. I've shed tears on a weekly, if not daily basis. I've been in such physical and emotional pain that it overcame my desire to live my life.

Most of all, I've realized that I will never learn. I will never stop believing in people. Believing in humanity. I will never be a hopeless romantic because I will always be hopeful. I will always believe in love and family and friendship. And I know that no matter how much life sucks, there will always, ALWAYS be a silver lining on those clouds. It may come in the form of an act, a word or a person.

But it will come. And possibly save your life.