Sunday, February 10, 2008

Life is a suckfest and I don’t even care!

I've learned so much in the past year, maybe the past 2 years of my life. I've learned how mean people can be. How much you can't rely on them, even if they are friends, even family. I've learned that I trust people way too easy. I've learned that I trust boys way too easy.

I've given my heart away way too fast too many times. I've given my money and my hospitality with no questions asked. I've lost friends and been betrayed and abandoned. I've been hurt, let down and disappointed more times than I can even count. I've shed tears on a weekly, if not daily basis. I've been in such physical and emotional pain that it overcame my desire to live my life.

Most of all, I've realized that I will never learn. I will never stop believing in people. Believing in humanity. I will never be a hopeless romantic because I will always be hopeful. I will always believe in love and family and friendship. And I know that no matter how much life sucks, there will always, ALWAYS be a silver lining on those clouds. It may come in the form of an act, a word or a person.

But it will come. And possibly save your life.


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