Monday, May 14, 2007

...and my fingers are now stuck together.

I just had the worst day EVER. Seriously. Some really weird shit is going on in my life. Like getting shots in my head. Not like getting shot in my head but more getting actual injections in my head. That shit hurts. I almost passed out. It was all good times and syringes at 7:30 this morning, getting shots in my face and trying so hard to make it to work at a decent hour so they don't fire my sorry sick ass. Then I get to work and they almost do fire my sorry sick ass. They asked the question of the day, "Can the doctor say how long this illness will be upsetting your life?" Hmmm ... good question, doctor, your thoughts?

The lock on my front door doesn't work. Just gets the key all stuck in it and I gotta crawl into my back patio and use that door till they fix that shit. Good thing I'm on the bottom floor. One up for me! Because scaling apartment walls and me are not mixy things.

Yeah. Now my fingers are stuck together. I thought I could fix a picture frame by myself...with Superglue. Enough said. Do you think this counts as a legitimate reason to call in sick? My fingers are stuck together. I'm typing with one finger on my left hand. (and my 'c' button is sticking). I'm over it.
I'm finding out I'm not so mixxy with like ... life.


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