Monday, September 11, 2006

Breaking up is hard to do...and OMG Johnny D's nose is falling off!!

This past weekend was an interesting one, to say the least. Whenever you have a roommate, regardless of who it is, there comes a time when you have to "break up" with them. Maybe because they are messy or a freak of nature or just plain annoying. In my case, I was the messy one, our place was too small and my roommate had a huge smelly dog...all of these factors should have been a sign at the beginning that this wouldn't work out. Oh, he was also my boyfriend. So we pretty much had to break up and one had to move out. Which made me remember how much I enjoyed living by myself in the first place.

So I moped around all weekend and watched a bunch of movies I got in the mail from Netflix. The first was "The Libertine" which I will admit, I got just because Johnny Depp was in it. He was some Earl of Something guy that drank a lot and I'm not sure what exactly happened, but he started looking bad. Like disgusting. Like he had leprosy or something. I think his nose fell off. It was very depressing and he was only attractive for the first half of the movie.

A small interesting part in the movie was when he had to write a play for the king and he didn't want to so to make everyone mad he made the play about French women and dildos. He passed out wooden dildos to the audience and made a giant one and one of the actor’s names was "Little Clitoris". I was completely lost at this point but I stuck it out through the whole thing and felt a little bit violated at the end, with all the clitoris and dildo talk and Johnny's beautiful nose falling off and him pissing his pants every five seconds. On second thought, what the hell was this movie about?? I'll have to Google it, I suppose.

Second movie that IMMEDIATELY followed the first (I wore my pajammies all day) was "Underworld: Evolution". I enjoyed the first "Underworld" a lot because I like movies about vampires and stuff, secretly hoping that Buffy or Spike will show up at any minute but they never do... Good movie, scary bat guy flying around. The werewolf wasn't as scary as the last movie. He just looked like a guy in an abominable snowman suit. Don't know how to even begin spelling "abominable" so get off my case.

Third movie was "V for Vendetta". Holy crap!!! GOOD MOVIE! I give it 2 thumbs up and 2 toes up if I could. Wait...I can give 2 toes up! (I just took my stiletto off and tried) I thought it would be stupid because I didn't like the guy’s outfit with the mask and all but the movie touched something in me. And not something naughty you nasty minded people! Rent it, watch it, love it. (I lied. I didn’t take a stiletto off and try. I really am wearing my jammies and that would be ridiculous to walk around with jammies and stilettos on. Even for me.)


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