Thursday, April 19, 2007

A case of "foot in the mouth" syndrome

Last night I started moving into my new apartment! Yay! It's super cute and big and in North Scottsdale which is about a minute from my work. So I took some friends with muscles and a truck and drove all the way out to Scratchy J to pick up my bedroom furniture. My parent's are moving this week also so it's been pretty insane.

I arrive at their house after an hour drive on the freeway and the family that have purchased my parent's house are there measuring and just being a pain in the ass. Can't they wait until we are done moving for crying out loud? I'm running around the room and this little blonde girl, had to be no more than 4 years old, is standing in the doorway and staring at me. Like creepily. I keep looking at her over my shoulder, because Jenn and kids are not so mixy. She just keeps staring, apparently too young to get the "go away" look of a grown-up.

So I turn and sit on my bed and begin staring at her. She doesn't say anything. And she's not going away.
I finally ask her, "where's your mommy?" To which she replies, "My mommy's dead." Um...ok. What? Great. I just stare at her and the audacity at what I had just said. Crap! So I try to recover and ask, "Where's your grandma?" She says, "I don't have a gramma."

I realized that this conversation was going nowhere and got up from my bed to start folding things. I step around a box on the floor and into a garbage pail. My right foot is now lodged in a pink flowery garbage pail. I shake my leg, it won't come off. I look back and Poltergeist Girl is still staring at me, not even fazed. So I reach down and push the pail off my leg and the shoe comes with it.

I want to cry at this point. I just take off the other shoe and sit back on the bed and stare at the little girl. Two can play this little game! Ha ha! (enter evil laugh here)
I lost. She eventually left. I got my shoe out of the trashcan and went home to my new apartment. I made my bed and realized I didn't have dinner. I went to the store at 11pm and bought some food. I got home and discovered I don't have any bowls, plates or silverware. I went to bed hungry.


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