Sunday, December 10, 2006


Working from home does not rock, it sucks donkey balls. And so do wisdom teeth. Just for clarification. You think, oh, great! I'll work my own hours...blah blah blah, put money away for London. Then all the shit you've been doing doesn't work out because your printer will no longer print Yellow. Who knew that one little thing like the color Yellow could destroy my happy little delusional world?

Then, as if that doesn't suck Dugly balls enough, I get FOOD POISONING. Yes, I ate Taco Bell. I don't watch the news, people! I didn't know about the e-coli! The closest thing I get to the news is The Soup on E! So I eat a soft taco, mind you, I have gaping holes in my gums so I have to eat old people food. I so craved something normal. Well, you have to pay to be normal and not only was I in excruciating pain from the surgery (I have TMJ and my jaw hurts like hell) but now I get to throw up all the yummy taco-y goodness - and all my pain pills. Damn damn dammit all to hell. Then I get to squirt out the throw up from the holes in my gums with a plastic syringe.

All this while my boyfriend is at his ex-girlfriends birthday party. Yeeaaahhhh.

I looked it up. I don't have e-coli poisoning. So that's good. (Apparently you have to have explosive, bloody diarrhea...ew.)

My life may suck, my printer may not print yellow, I may have painful gaping holes in my mouth, and my boyfriend is doing God knows what with his ex at her party, but at least I don't have explosive, bloody diarrhea...yet.


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