Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I should be moving...

Another thing to add to the list of things that suck donkey balls: moving. I HATE moving. Packing. Painting. Vacuuming. Having no heater. Seriously, I have no heater. And as if that isn't bad enough I am moving into Dugly's old room. Yeah. You are supposed to move UP in life...not down...waaaaaayyyy down.

At least it's cheap (and worth every penny) and the walls are no longer baby-poo-yellowish-gold-caca. Word of advice for all you who may or may not be planning on moving into a crackhead's old room: They go to Home Depot and buy the "messed up" paint for like $5 a can. This crack head purchased baby-caca-yellow. Not only that, it was exterior paint. Yeah. I think that makes it water resistant or something. So I go and buy some cheap white interior paint, which is water-based. It took 4 coats and some of the spots still didn't cover. I think its crack residue or something.

I also had to hire a cleaning lady to clean the bathroom it was that nasty. Let's just say it took her 3 hours to clean it and it's still gross. The scary part is that Dugly didn't think it was dirty at all. Oh, he also decided to paint the toilet this caca yellow as well.

Thanks Dugly for not paying your bills and allowing me to move into this most humble of abodes. I think I want to kill myself now.


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