Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Tammi’s Official Theory On Wisdom Teeth

I asked Tammi the other day why exactly we get wisdom teeth and what would we have done in the "olden" days when you couldn't get them surgically removed when they start pushing all your current healthy and happy teeth together. (All I talk about these days is wisdom teeth...move on if this bores you yet...just like the damn health insurance.)

So after this little rhetorical question Tammi comes back with:
"Well, back in the olden days your teeth fell out because you didn't take care of them. So the new ones come in, push all the other teeth together, and you chew with those."

Oh. That makes sense. But wouldn't evolution "survival of the fittest" have stopped that by now? Don’t most people take care of their teeth now? I'm on a mission to ban wisdom teeth. Marriage and wisdom teeth. Ban it all.


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