Thursday, October 11, 2007

What the..?

I'm sitting here in my north Snottsdale abode smelling all like cat piss (Ragamuffin has a bladder infection of all things...) thinking about life and shit.

This past week I was involved in a feud. It was as if I was watching it and not actually involved in it. It's weird how shit starts all around you and you have no idea because you're holed up in your hobbit home being all anti-social. So it was all "I challenge you to a duel" and then you get smacked in the face with a big chain mail alloy steel metal knight in shining armor glove and get knocked on your ass before you can even say "I accept" and hit them with something bigger because they already pulled out the big guns. Or gloves. I’m confusing myself with my own metaphors.


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