Friday, October 20, 2006

20 things I find way more interesting than talking shit about people

1. Jamming sharp objects into my eyeballs

2. Combing out my extensions (while not on my head)

3. Stalking people on MySpace

4. Organizing my fork drawer

5. Organizing anything for that matter

6. Taking my car to get washed for the first time since I bought it 3 years ago

7. Writing blogs that no one will read

8. Clipping my toenails

9. Waiting on the side of the road for someone to bring me a gallon of gas to get me to the next gas station

10. Looking at my new cleavage in various cleavage-bearing shirts

11. Looking at my new extensions on the dresser and imagining how they will look untangled and on my head

12. Watching 5 Lifetime original movies in a row

13. Counting how many open beverage containers I have on my desk right now (4)

14. Talking to gay boys on IM

15. Watching all episodes of Flavor of Love in one day, fast-forwarding through the commercials

16. Adding 100's of movies to my Netflix queue.

17. Trying to figure out how to spell "queue" (qeue?, queu?)

18. Thinking about how "queue" doesn't even sound like a word anymore

19. Looking at a blank wall for an hour

20. Contemplating the Platypus. Is it mammal or bird? What is it? (Plus–it’s fun to say!)


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