Thursday, October 12, 2006

Only stupid girls fall in "love" with their rebound...

I'm that girl. The kind I used to make fun of. I couldn't just have fun and let it not get serious. NOOOOooooo...I gotta let the moron move in. And let me tell you something about boys. They do NOT think before they talk. I don't really think any of them do. They say, "move in with me!" all excited like and then after you say "ok" they freak the F out! Um..huh? You asked me, asshole. "I'm not sure I'm ready for this." Once again, you asked me, you tool. So my advice to girls is unless you plan on having kids with the idiot, there is no need to live with him. And if you insist on getting married you should still have your own place, sort of like a fallout shelter where he is absolutely not allowed to come over without asking first.

MY jackass also has a problem making plans. Now I'm that lame girl with the non-existent boyfriend that no one has met because he won’t ever go out with me. He says he's a "last-minute, spontaneous" kind of guy. In McAssHole talk spontaneous means, "I'll think about going if a better offer to go out with my douchey friends doesn't come up at the last minute."

Now, I love when my man has his boys. I love when he goes out with them and by all means, please go have a "guys night". I won't call, I won't nag. I enjoy when you are gone sometimes, believe me. Leave for the whole damn weekend for all I care! I got my own shit to do. I just ask that you let me know if you will or will not be returning to MY abode at 2am. But I think that this sort of "weird" girl attitude, where you don't really care if they go out with their boys, doesn't come across correctly. They can't comprehend that you can be cool with them leaving, that your life doesn't completely stop if they want to go out with their friends. This concept was lost completely on my retard. He had the nerve to say, meet you at home and dinner, blah blah blah. Round about 9 he calls and says he's at dirty Doug's or something.

Ok, now I know that this is completely my own fault. I'm an idiot for dating that guy. And I suppose every girl makes that mistake at least once in her life. But I fell in love with said idiot and even though I want him out of my damn apartment like nothing I've ever wanted more, I find myself crying because he is moving out.

Boys are stupid. And apparently so are girls. If it were legal I'd just date a monkey. I could train him to do my laundry and shit. And when he didn't listen to me it would be because he was a monkey and couldn't understand what I was saying because he is a monkey. Anyone know where I can get a monkey?


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