Sunday, October 15, 2006

It sucks to be a girl. And so does alcohol. DAMMIT.

Not only am I one of those damn stupid girls that fall in love with their rebounds, I'm also one of those stupid girls that gets drunk on 2 Red Bull & Vodka's and then at 2am proceeds to place pathetic drunk texts to the "pseudo-ex". Then leave the slurry drunk voicemail. THEN, as if that isn't bad enough, call back and say, "Please disregard last message, I'm drunk and, um, gotta go, bye."

So not only am I drunk, blubbering and not sure if I even have a boyfriend, I still have tomorrow’s hung over mortification to look forward to! I've heard they have some sort of thing you can pay for that blocks you from dialing certain numbers past like 2am or something. I think that is genius. I need that. Never thought I would. Never thought I'd be a Stupid Girl either.

It's funny when you talk all this shit, when things are all gravy and you got a good man and you got a great relationship, and then all of a sudden, when you get one of those "bad boys", the one's that you just can't quit (to quote a little Brokeback there), you turn into the Stupid Girl.

I would talk shit about myself right now. DAMMIT. And I am talking shit about myself. Because I'm one of those girls that talks shit all the time. ALL the time. Just go to a bar with Tammi and me sometime and you will leave scared you will get your ass kicked by the girl wearing a humongous white belt after we ask her if we could borrow her “back brace” for our picture. We are such bitches. Stupid Girls, but bitches none the less. That's got to even things out a bit, right?


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