Thursday, July 16, 2009

Armpit acne, anorexia and electro-shock therapy

Friday, April 24, 2009 / current mood: contemplative
The other day I woke up and I had a zit in my armpit. A. Zit. In. My. Armpit. How does this happen? And ew. There goes any thought of wearing a tank top for God knows how long. Just try popping a zit in your armpit. Go ahead and just think about popping a zit in your armpit. It’s impossible, first of all, and hurts like I would imagine plucking pubic hairs would be. Why would one even get a zit in their armpit? Maybe it’s from my new Teen Spirit Sexy flavored deodorant.

So my armpit zit and I spent the evening sitting on the sofa, watching TV when a show came on HBO called Thin that was about a bunch of girls in treatment for eating disorders. It was really sad and all that. But whenever I hear about eating disorders it always makes me think about my own Skinny Girl Syndrome. I’ve been skinny my whole life, sometimes too skinny and have always been plagued with that little twinge in the back of my mind that I’m getting fat whenever I gain even a little bit of weight. Now I would never do anything about it and could never be anorexic or bulimic but not because I know it’s wrong or anything but because I lack the commitment. I just like food too much to not eat at all and when I puke, it’s a traumatic experience for me. I cry and it hurts and I can’t force myself to yak at all. Even with the finger down the throat. *sigh*

While I’m in my DVR coma with my armpit zit thinking about how exhausting an eating disorder would be Scott calls me into the other room to once again fix the Playstation. He cannot for the life of him change out the Playstation and DVD player cords. So I go in and unplug one thing and when I go to plug in the other I get electrocuted. Ok, maybe I didn’t get electrocuted so much as shocked. A little bit. But it did make my fingers tingle for like two hours.


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