Thursday, July 16, 2009

Schadenfreude (and further decent into Haterville)

current mood: evil and happy about it
I can’t help but smirk, even laugh out loud sometimes when something bad happens to certain people that I love to hate–or hate to love, for that matter. Like how great was it when Britney went crazy, shaved her head, started dating the paparazzi and beat a car with an umbrella? That’s when Schadenfreude sets in. Schadenfreude is a German word that means to take pleasure in another’s misfortune. They don’t even have a word in English for that.

I’d like to say that I in no way take pleasure in anyone’s misfortune, but who am I kidding? Who is anyone kidding, for that matter? Not a single one of you hypocrites can honestly say that you didn’t smile when Mariah went crazy and worked out on her Stairmaster in stilettos, when you see the Gary Busey psycho scary mug shot, when Tara Reid got her hideous boob job and stood there in all her drunkenly ignorant bliss with one huge round scarred tit exposed for all the world to see for like 5 minutes before someone finally pulled the strap of her dress back up. Now that’s humor.

I even get a cruel pleasure from seeing the misfortune of the non-famous sometimes. But that is usually about people that I already don’t like or have been poopy to me at one point or another. Does this make me evil? No, I think it makes me normal.


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