Thursday, July 23, 2009

Wells Fargo is run by the Devil

current mood: annoyed beyond all reason
Wells Fargo is by far the worst banking institution that I have ever been associated with. It's as bad as health insurance. They are both big stupid poops.

I opened an account there because I owe some insufficient funds money to only a couple of other banks and needed some sort of checking account. I don't have a job so I couldn't do direct deposit which enables the funds I put into the bank to be available to me quicker, for some retarded reason. So now whenever I do get any sort of check for some silly freelance thing I do I have to take it into the bank to be deposited. I did this the first time and when I asked the teller when I would be able to use my debit card with that money, she said right away. I have to charge it and I will always have $100 available right away from a deposit. LIAR.

Yeah, so I go to Schlotzky's and get a nummy treat and my card gets declined. Super fun. And not embarrassing at all. So I go to a Well's Fargo in Tempe to ask them what's the what and they say I have to use my card as debit, not as credit. And to go somewhere and try to buy something else. I say no, that is ridiculous. They tell me to go to the branch where I deposited the check and have them reverse the deposit to just give me the money. Because it was Saturday and it probably wouldn't go in until Monday... maybe. The bastards. So I drove all the way back to Gilbert and got the check reversed.

When all this happened, by the way, I got charged all these insufficient funds fees for using my card when that bitch teller told me I could. So the bank calls me and says I am in the negative and had been for 7 days and if I don't give them the money, they will send it to collections. Um... what? So I politely tell them the situation and that the fees should be removed because I was going off the information the bitch teller told me. The girl on the phone just kept asking how much of a payment I would like to make. She just didn't understand that if I had any freakin' money it would already be in the freakin' bank.

I was getting nowhere with her so I ask to talk to her manager. She said no. She straight out said no! She said it wasn't a situation that warranted a managerial decision. I ask for her supervisor and she again said no. So I hang up and call back and talk to someone else who lets me pay half with my unemployment money and half the next week and reversed half of my fees.

Fast forward a week and I get another check. I took a deep breath, gathered all my courage and the patience I had stored away for a rainy day and I go to the bank to try get $100 cash and deposit the rest the check. Nope. Because I had insufficient funds. I try to tell them that the money is right there in their grubby little hands and I would no longer be insufficient if they just put the freakin money in there. But because the check wasn't from Wells Fargo, they have to be all retarded about it. So I just deposited it all. Oh and by the way, there will be a four day hold on the check. Because I have insufficient funds... How ass backwards is that? Just put the money in there and the funds won't be so insufficient, you bastards!! They also didn't inform me about the hold until I had already deposited the check, of course.

So finally the hold is off my account and I go to the ATM and try to withdraw some cash. Nope. Denied. I call the number on the back of my card and they say that the branch has deactivated my debit card because of the insufficient funds fiasco. I asked why this happened because I set up a payment plan and everything was good to go and there is freakin money in the account now. I was informed that the when the phone bankers do stuff they don't always inform the branches of what is going on. So the branch took it upon themselves to turn off my card. I think that when they pull up my account on their little computers there is a big red flashing alert that says FUCK WITH HER.

I go inside my branch and tell them my card was deactivated and can they please reactivate it. They can't. Big surprise there. They have to order me a new one. Great. I have to go a week with no debit card. So I ask for a temporary ATM card so I can somehow get some of my own money out of my own account and they seriously take 45 fucking minutes to activate this stupid card!! I was beside myself and wanted to kill everyone.

I finally got my new debit card in the mail and called the number to activate it. It said my old PIN number is supposed to work. Nope. Not for me. Why should it? FUCK WITH HER. So I go inside and they take 30 minutes to give me a new PIN number. Because they can't figure out how to use the computer.

So today I go down and pick up a measly $100 check from some little freelance job I picked up. I went down to University and Alma School on fumes to get it. Drove all the way back to Gilbert and thought I would stop in the bank and just flat out cash it before they closed. Nope. They forgot to sign the fucking check.

I don't think that it's just Wells Fargo that get that FUCK WITH HER alert on their screens when it comes to me. I think every single thing, person, business and life event I deal with gets that alert.

Fuck my life.


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