Thursday, July 16, 2009

I just can’t quit you: My love affair with my DVR

Saturday, April 25, 2009 / current mood: smirky
Now that I have my satellite TV back I have gone completely insane. Not just because I can now watch TV, where before I read a lot, maybe complained about not having TV, but because I have a DVR. Back when I was a positive member of society, you know, one of those people with a job and, I don’t know, things to do, my trusty DVR recorded all the shows that I didn’t have time to watch during the week and would spend all day Sunday watching them and fast-forwarding through the commercials.

But now, being a negative member of Mexiciety, I still feel the need to set up timers and record everything even though I have nothing to do but watch TV. Because I’m insane. I’m so used to watching recorded shows, that when I’m sitting here watching “live” TV, I don’t really know what to do during the commercials. So I will try to find another show to flip to during the breaks and there are just too many options and I start stressing out that I’m missing something and so I set up a timer to record it later and then when it starts to record something I watch something I already recorded because I have one of those old school DVR’s that don’t let you watch another channel while recording.

I think satellite TV might be making me a bit schizophrenic. Like right now I’m flipping between Kathy Griffen: Straight to Hell and Women Behind Bars. The fact that I can just switch from comedy to murder and feel completely fine about it is a sign of some sort of disorder, isn’t it? What about my obsession with forensic CSI Law and Order shows? Am I mentally wrong because I can’t stop watching shows about people getting murdered?

And now that I’m catching up on news I’m feeling more in touch with not so much the world but with America. When I say the news I mean The Soup on E!. Celebrity gossip is like my secret vice. I’m addicted to it.


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