Friday, July 24, 2009

Funemployment, Law & Order, and the Plague of the Ill-Fitting Jeans

current mood: homicidal
I am currently working on getting my third extension of unemployment. This amazes me. Not as much as the fact that I can't for the life of me get a job in the design industry. True, I haven't worked for the past year, but I don't think things have changed that much... I've sent out my resume and samples and written amazing cover letters that fool prospective employers into thinking I have a good handle on the English language.

While I'm actively searching for a job online and trying to collect yet more unemployment, I have been spending an unhealthy amount of time watching Law & Order: CI and SVU. (I don't like the original one.) I've been a Law & Order fanatic for a while now and it is always on USA or TNT or something like that at all hours of the day and night. Even when I was staying at my parents' house I was able to feed my addiction because my dad is a Law & Order freak as well.

Since I've moved into Dugly's pad, however, it's gotten to an alarming level. I don't have satellite or cable here but I do have streaming Netflix on my computer. So I watch episode after episode almost every day and it's scary. I'm starting to get concerned. You shouldn't be able to eat and fall asleep to sex crimes and murders and tortured victims and whatnot... should you??

On a separate note, I no longer fit into any of my jeans. I'd like to say that my jeans are shrinking and it's not my ass that is expanding and causing my jeans to not zip up anymore... But I know the truth. Someone is switching out all my pants for smaller sizes so that I start to think bulimic thoughts. Someone, some evil little pants troll is sitting in the back of my closet and wringing its devilish little hands and laughing demonically as I stress and sweat and bite my lower lip with anxiety as I toss every new pair of jeans into the Goodwill pile.

The little fucker.


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