Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mexican cheese: good for nothing or am I just ‘not in the know’?

current mood: confused
There are 2 large-ish grocery stores in this little town. One is called SuperVal, the other SuperLey. We live by the SuperLey. Now, I get the Val, but the Ley? I just looked up ‘ley’ in the Spanish/English dictionary and ‘ley’ means ‘law’. So it means SuperLaw. I think it made more sense when it didn’t mean anything at all. Anyway, on our first ever shopping trip in Mexico we go to ‘SuperLaw’ and we buy bread and sandwich goodies and all that junk. They have an entire isle of oil. Just cooking oil as far as the eye can see. The rest of the shelves are half empty, but cooking oil, no problem there.

One thing I think I like but not sure is that everything is sold in single servings here. You don’t purchase a 6 pack of beer. You buy 6 cans of beer or maybe 5, if you are so inclined. See, the thing is that they will ring up each and every can anyway, so just get as many as you really truly want! You don’t buy a pack of gum, you buy sticks of gum. This goes for housewares too! Don’t think you might go and pick up a set of plates or silverware. Nope, you get one fork at a time, amigo. From a giant crap-shoot vat of mismatched forks.

Later that night Scott cooks up an interesting concoction of potatoes and sausage and cheese. But the slices of cheese won't melt. Not even a little bit. We had the fuckers sitting right on the flame and still nothing.

So I eventually pick up this magazine that the cover story just so happens to be about Mexican cheeses and it actually talks about how most of the cheese doesn't melt. How weird is that? What good is unmeltable cheese? I mean, really? Well, I guess they could make fire-retardant suits for the firemen out of that cheese. I think it would be best to Super Glue the slices onto fabric rather than attempting to sew the cheese into the form of a coat. The down side is that they would probably have packs of crazed hungry dogs chasing after them trying to eat their outfits. But the flames would be repelled. So they would have to weigh those options.

On top of the cheese fiasco, we couldn’t get any grease out of the meat or cheese. (I am told that when one cooks one sometimes requires a grease sort of residue for one reason or another.) Shoulda' rethought that oil purchase...


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