Thursday, July 16, 2009

Beat myself about the face

current mood: arrrgh
I just got a black eye from the stove.

I fell off the bed, nothing too surprising there, but the super great part is that the stove is right next to the bed (that’s another story for another day) and my head landed on it. All about the eyeball area. I remember looking down at my hands and seeing them covered with blood. So of course I start with the screaming and the woozing and the dry heaving. I'm not very good with the whole blood thing.

Eventually I finally got the courage to check out the damage in the mirror and there is a gash in my eyebrow (the good eyebrow that does what I want it to do and doesn't have freaky random hairs pointing in all directions) and a very pretty black eye. It’s always fun trying to convince people that no, you didn’t fall into your boyfriend’s fist repeatedly and the cuts on his knuckles are completely unrelated… Trying to find the positive in the situation I think at least I'll have a cool eyebrow scar now. But I doubt anything besides fucking up the good eyebrow up will come of it.

I suppose I should look at this as an extremely lucky situation in that I didn't land on the corner of the stove with my eyeball instead of my eyebrow. That could have been very bad. Seriously though, would anyone be that surprised if I fell off the bed and poked my eyeball out with the stove? I totally wouldn’t get a fake eye either. I’d get an eye patch with a skull and crossbones made out of rhinestones. Like the entire eye patch would be made out of rhinestones.

‘Cause that’s how I roll.


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