Thursday, July 16, 2009

Mexican curbs and airbag burns

current mood: aggitated
I've always had a thing with the cars that I own. Like a bad luck thing. Oh, don't you worry. I have examples! Just when we got a new tire and the brakes fixed in AZ on my car, we take her back home to Mexico and I swear on all that is holy the day we get back we hit a curb.

Now, if you have been to Mexico, this should not be any big deal. Shoddy masonry and what not. But no. This has to be the strongest, most well built curb in the history of mankind. I mean, it stopped us cold, deployed the airbags, pushed the radiator pretty much into the front seat. They should construct buildings in earthquake and hurricane zones the way they built this curb. Nothing would move 'em.

Just a thought.


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