Thursday, July 16, 2009

The bathroom of doom

current mood: grossed out
The bathroom in my trailer is scary. Mostly because the general population of our roach friends live in there. So I will sit on my bed (the folded down dinette set) and stare down the hallway at the door of the bathroom with dread. The hallway gets longer and the door farther away, just like in the movies and the suspenseful scary music plays in my head.

When I absolutely can't hold it any longer I take a deep breath and slide open the door with trepidation and fear. I stand in the hallway and do a thorough once over, checking out all four walls, the ceiling and the sink for those disgusting gigantic bugs with their little antennae all feeling around all gross. So I sit and try to pee as fast as humanly possible because should one of those fuckers show up mid-stream, I don’t like to think of the realm of scenarios that could play out.

There is one big guy that has a white spot on his back that's been here since the beginning. We (Scott) can't catch him. Can't kill him. He's like the Ultimate Cockroach. The King of Cockroaches. The UberRoach. He is so huge we could put a collar on him and take him for walk. Which is something for us to consider: finally a pet that won't die. Even if he gets half smashed, loses some legs or his head falls off he’d just go on living. It would be actual hard work to kill him. Like we would really have to try and go out of our way to kill our pet roach. I only mention this because ever since I have been in Mexico, just to be owned by me is a death sentence for any pet.


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