Thursday, July 16, 2009

The mystery of The Cement Slab...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008 / current mood: bored
Every day I walk to get food, water, beer, etc. and I pass this random perfectly square cement slab in the middle of the dirt road. And every day something different is going on with this slab. I'm not sure if I'm just not 'in the know' of said slab, but there is some pretty fucking weird shit going on.

There is a shrimp guy that parks his old ass Rodeo (yellow, probably painted with spray paint) and sells camarones out of the back. Smells like you would imagine an old ass Rodeo filled with shrimp on the side of the road in Mexico would smell. So there is always shrimp residue on the slab. This would be around 2pm.

I venture out later at, say, 8pm that very same evening and the Shrimp Guy is gone with his Rodeo and all his residue, sans the smell, of course. But now there are raw meat particles on the slab. Just pieces of raw meat! From what, I do not know. I don't think I really want to know anyway. I go out of my way to avoid the Raw Meat Slab on my way home.

The next morning on my daily trek I hesitantly pass The Slab again. The meat is gone (thank God) but now there is a pile of sand the size of a human being just chilling on it. Not the same dirt the road is made out of, but sand. Like from somewhere else. Hmm. Still smells like shrimp. And there are still dirty Mexico shrimp raw meat puddles of water all over the place. I go out of my way to avoid The Slab on my way home.

That very evening, on a beer mission, I pass by The Slab, business as usual. The sand is GONE. No meat, no sand, no shrimp water. Weird. Now I don't go out of my way to avoid The Slab. It's totally something I look forward to every day. What will be on The Slab and what won't be? Who took the sand? And for the love of god, why?

My life is retarded.


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